Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cross your fingers for me...

I'm applying for a bunch of different internships right now. I really need to get some real-world experience under my belt before I graduate. (Especially since I would like to stay here after I graduate, which means that I've got to be able to convince HR people that they want to get a residence permit for me. (Unless, of course, I get married, but that's not going to happen anytime soon.))

So I sent in my CV and a cover letter to the most well-organized internship program I could find, and if that doesn't pan out, there are some other (less formal) volunteer opportunities that I'm looking into as well.

I'm so nervous!!!


Dixie said...

How long will it be before you find out?

Princess Cat's Pajamas said...

I don't know... all these places say "send us your cv and a cover letter and if we're interested, we'll get back to you". No application deadlines or anything. So I'm nervous!

Irie said...

I've got everything crossed for you!!

Unknown said...

Kitty - I just love all of your posts in french and yes I will cross your fingers for you! I know how hard it is.... I guess that's why I'm in Canada and not Switzerland anymore. :(

The DP said...

You will be fine, Geneva is crawling with jobs, and is willing even to do permits for admin staff. People are always looking for interns...I might have a lead for you, email me at the email on my profile, I can give you a headhunter's name and a company looking for intern's name. Not joking.

I do have to say, if you get married, paradoxically getting your permit is a whole lot easier if you marry a EU citizen rather than a Swiss. If it is a Swiss they get all curious about whether it is a mariage blanc, your permit is renawable yearly, visits, drama...when you are married to a european you get your b permit for five years no questions asked.