Wednesday, February 20, 2008


There are several American TV shows that I watch here that never did interest me back in the States. Heroes, Boston Legal, 7th Heaven... you get the idea.

I saw an episode of Deadwood for the first time this evening. The show's premise seems to be to cram as many instances of the word "f-ck" in an implausible Wild West town as possible in 45 minutes or fewer.

I think I'll be skipping this one in the future!


naechstehaltestelle said...

I did discover Ugly Betty here and I love it. Haven't tried Deadwood yet, although I hear the creative curses are worth watching.

Marshamlow said...

I haven't seen Deadwood yet thanks for the heads up. I sometimes like Boston Legal, I don't set out to watch it but I end up liking it if I do. Same with Seventh Heaven.