I ate too much today... I went to the supermarket and decided to buy some new fruit. I bought a peach and the "fruit of the week"... a charentais jolly melon. The peach was good, but I haven't tasted the melon yet.
C'est fou ce que je suis devenue fan de "Secret Story"... c'est un peu embarrassant. Les gens eduqués ne sont pas censés aimer ce genre d'émission. Aujourd'hui ils ont dévoilé le secret de Marjorie et celui de Fred. Je n'aime pas trop Fred... j'espère qu'il parte ce soir.
It's crazy how much of a fan of "Secret Story" I've become... It's a little embarrassing. Educated people aren't supposed to like this sort of show. Today they revealed the secrets of Marjorie and Fred. I don't like Fred very much... I hope he gets voted off tonight.
J'ai pris quelques photos aujourd'hui pendant ma petite excursion à Genève plage... les voici:
I took some pictures today during my little trip to Genève plage... here they are:
Le jet d'eau/The water jet:
La cathédrale/The cathedral:
L'arc-en-ciel sous le jet d'eau/The rainbow under the water jet:
Une belle fontaine/A pretty fountain:
L'horloge fleurie/The flower clock:
It's fabulous when you find a good peach! :)
This is GREAT! Now, I can learn French right here on your blog! :D
J'aime quand tu parles en francais pq c'est bien practiquer pour moi..
:) Here in Canada, we don't speak enough of it. I miss speaking and thinking in french! Forgive my grammar, it's bad...mais je comprends plus que j'ecris!
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