I'm a displaced Texan living in Switzerland and loving (almost) every minute of it. By day I'm a translation student, and by night... well, by night I'm usually just sleeping.
I see weird things on the way to school. Take this, for example:
Five of these little cars were driving 'round and 'round and 'round the traffic circle by the park yesterday. Why? I don't know. The Swiss must really like their Red Bull...
More to come tomorrow...
Advertisement in motion!
Honey, you don't need TiVO! You're in Europe! People that live in dinky towns like I do need outside entertainment.
I gotta agree with Irie. Honey, you are in Europe. Who needs Tivo or Ipod.
Okay, so maybe I don't need TiVo, but a TV would be nice! Our professors are forever after us to watch Spanish-language TV to practice our aural comprehension skills.
Some day...
I really enjoyed your blog, I like the format... Awesome pics! I want to come see you and Switzerland, I can dream can't I? rh
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